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Cosmetic Services


Cosmetic Dermatology focuses on the improvement, enhancement and appearance of skin, hair and nails aesthetically, artistically and cosmetically. Rarely considered a medical necessity, it can still resolve medical dermatological concerns.




Botox is used to relax overactive muscles and smooth wrinkles. It is most often used as a cosmetic treatment in the forehead, between the brows, and for crow’s feet around the eyes. Results normally last between 2-6 months.

Frequently asked questions:

What is a Botox treatment like?

Botox is injected with a very small needle directly into the muscle that needs to be relaxed to erase the wrinkle. Most people feel only a tiny stinging sensation.


Botox is still the gold standard cosmetic treatment for frown lines. It is used to relax muscles and smooth wrinkles. It is most often used as a cosmetic treatment in the forehead, between the brows, and for crow’s feet around the eyes. Results normally last between 2-6 months, most commonly 3 months.


How much does it cost and how much product is needed?

This really depends on your face and how many areas you’re treating.  Expect to pay $300 to $900 per treatment depending on how many areas you are treating (frown lines, forehead, eyes, lower face, etc.) and depending on how big your facial muscles are.






As the name suggests, fillers are relatively safe, hyaluronic acid based injectables which are used to fill in wrinkles and depressions in the skin.  They can also be used to plump up and recontour facial features such as cheek bones and lips. Results usually last between 2-4 years. We offer a variety of fillers including Juvederm's Voluma, Volbella, and Vollure to treat cheeks, chin, lips, and lines.  




Broadband light/Intense Pulsed light (BBL/IPL)

BBL/IPL is a laser technology that is used to treat signs of sun damage including sun-spots, discoloration, red spots, and fine wrinkles.  This treatment can be used on the face, chest, arms, and legs. For the best results it is recommended to complete three treatments approximately one month apart. The cost is varies and total preparation and procedure time is about one hour per treatment.





No one likes the look of excess fullness beneath the face, yet millions of Americans suffer from the dreaded double chin and do nothing to correct or eliminate it.


Eliminating the double chin is no exception. The recent introduction and use of deoxycholic acid, known also as Kybella, has provided displeased individuals worldwide a safe, easy, and effective way to get rid of that excess flesh just below the jaw.

Frequently asked questions:

What is Kybella?

If you haven’t yet heard of deoxycholic acid or Kybella, you likely will in the near future. The first of its kind, Kybella is an innovative, non-invasive injectable treatment method for the removal of excess fatty flesh on the neck commonly known as the “double chin”.

How does Kybella work?

The clinically-proven use of deoxycholic acid to target and eliminate fat deposits in the neck involves a series of multiple injections applied around the neck and face over a period of time. The injections contain a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring substance found within the body that facilitates the breakdown and absorption of fat cells. Use of Kybella acts as a way to target and eliminate cells permanently, which means the results are long-term.


What is treatment like?

Kybella is administered only by trained medical professionals and consists of a series of 15 to 20 minute sessions in which multiple injections are directly applied to the targeted areas. An initial consultation prior to each session will help you and your provider determines the specifics of your treatment. The sessions will take place no sooner than eight weeks between each, and the total number of sessions will again depend on your individual assessment. 

Over time, your body resolves the swelling, revealing a slimmer, more youthful neck.


What makes Kybella especially great is that results are permanent. The fat destroyed by Kybella will never return.





Microneedling is a cosmetic dermatology procedure that uses small needles to prick the skin. The purpose of treatment is to generate new collagen and skin tissue for smoother, firmer, more toned skin.


Microneedling is used on the face, neck, and chest to treat scars, wrinkles and large pores. The procedure is minimally invasive with little downtime and is considered safe for most people who are in overall good health. Redness and irritation is expected for a few days after the procedure. 


For the best results it is recommended to complete three treatments approximately one month apart. The cost varies per treatment location and total preparation and procedure time is about two hours.


Facial treatments are $800 and chest treatments range from $500-$900. 

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